Elements 2
March 6, 2014 at 8:30 pm
Two Moon Art House & Cafe
315 Fourth Ave. (between 2nd/3rd Streets)
Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Element Themes: Sky, Moon, & Love
The Storm
Music by Charles David Younger
Arranged by Marco Rizo
Piano-Ivy Adrian
The Storm was originally performed as an interlude in composer Charles David Younger's opera,
The Girl From Shunem. It engulfs us in the process of storm from winds howling from a distance in dark
arpeggios to full force in foreground. Before it recedes, a glimpse of the eye of the storm is at the center
of the piece, a calm that floats in celestial C major harmony.
Video, Music, and Animation by Lucas Bass
Recorded Qin Solo by Yao Bingyan
A short video I made of the spinning dodecahedron, the first in a little series with geometric themes.
the dodecahedron is symbolically the universe, and is one of the Platonic Solids. though this one looks as
if it might be delicious, it is made of acrylic and is inedible. i plan to make some out of chocolate in the
near future which while perhaps Platonic, will not be solid…
Elżbieta Watching
Text and Soundscape by Ann Warren
Projections-Robert Morton
Elżbieta-Nathalie Bryant
Time changes stories. Which version is the truth?
Poem by Emma DeGrand
Music by Ann Warren
A big surprise!
Two Preludes
Music by Jay Kauffman
Guitar-Jay Kauffman
Preludes are relatively short, independent instrumental composition, free in form. The word comes from
Middle French, derived from Medieval Latin praeludium, from Latin praeludere to play beforehand for
practice, preface, from prae- + ludere to play. First Known Use: 1561
Variations on a Mongolian Folk Song
Music by Jay Kauffman
Guitar-Jay Kauffman
A composite portrait of my musical experiences in Mongolia. In 1995, I played a few concerts there, and got to jam
with some of the local musicians. I make no claims of authenticity in this piece — I simply arranged two tunes that I learned, and tried to make them into something that communicates the freshness and energy of their amazing music. The introduction is based on a popular love song, and the "variations" are based on a song which is about a man
and his horse. The sound of galloping can be heard throughout the piece and is present in much of their music.
Tobacco Shop
Poem by Fernando Pessoa, writing as Álvaro de Campos
Translated and Performed by Telma Bernardo
Soundscape by Ann Warren
Projections-Robert Morton
Torn between the outside and inside worlds separated by his window, the poet retreats into his conjectures/thoughts.
He falls back into his thoughts again and again in an attempt to fit himself into the real world until...
El Corpus en Sevilla
Music by Isaac Albéniz
Piano-Ivy Adrian
Impressionistic in style, El Corpus describes a religious procession in Seville, a march accompanied by raucous
bands. This gives way to a mournful saeta, the melody evoking Andalusian cante jondo, evoking flamenco
guitar accompaniment. A ray of brilliant harmonies follow, like sun and spirit penetrating clouds of mourning.
This invites a lively tarantella then a gentle coda of distant church bells.
Chinese Whisper
Soundscape by Chris Kadis Moscato
Projections-Robert Morton
is created from field recordings I took while in Asia two summers ago. It contrasts the transient lifestyle that is
quickly becoming a part of Asia against the static peaceful life of the older generation. The piece reflects the idea
that without stillness we would not know the nature of the wind, an idea that is loosely based of
Plato's Allegory of the Cave.